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on December 6, 2006 at 8:40:05 pm

Play a Greater Part


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Play A Greater Part: Online Sustainability Assignments "Matchmaking" Service - www.playagreaterpart.org

To engage students in creating the solutions for our sustainability challenges as their course assignments or thesis, this web-based system matches up those who need help with sustainability projects (e.g. non-profits, faculty members, businesses and government planners) with students and graduates eager to participate in sustainability-related projects. Students can connect with faculty who offer credit, and thus enhance the service learning potential in sustainability learning and action. Those with projects can post a call for volunteers, and once volunteers are accepted and the project begins, the person posting the project receives a free website for posting of the project’s progress. This website is designed by the Society for College and University Planning in collaboration with the US Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development.

Imagine a country where students get credit for helping to solve our sustainability challenges. What projects would you like to conduct related to sustainability? Would you like student help with these projects? (You can choose which students you accept to work on your project.) Please post your project descriptions now at www.playagreaterpart.org .

Debra Rowe, Ph.D.


U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development



Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium


Senior Fellow

University Leaders for a Sustainable Future


Professor, Alternate Energies and Behavioral Sciences

Oakland Community College


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