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Description of Training & Work-Exchange Programs.
Peace Pole Playhouse. April - Sept 2009. "Start-to-Finish" Kid's Cottage Project
Greenhouse. 2009, finish construction & develop plantings.
The Spiral Chamber. 2009, finish a small structure in the shape of a spiral which utilizes round poles, lashing, wattle & daub and thatching!
Greenhouse. 2009, finish contruction and planting.
Rocket Stove Heated Bench. 2009, finish this project, using"cob" and earth plasters. A unique stove which heats a bench that can sleep 2.
Trail maintance. Keeping access between buildings, and and on the land.
Permaculture Gardens. Continue Phase 1 development of natural agriculture and perennial gardens.
Labyrinth. Construction of a simple woodchip-path for walking meditation.
Cob Oven and outdoor Rumford fireplace. Includes a sheltering roof.
Round Pole Frame for Exhibits. Constructing a small model from local wood.
Organize Resources. Catagorizing books, videos and information.
Worm Composting. Indoor composting to turn kitchen waste to rich soil and liquid plant food. Process the soil and liquid fertilizer.
Organizing Resources. Many interesting books, videos, website information are available on site.
Making models for natural building exhibits. Small models of round-pole framing, thatching, Kids Cottage.
Outreach ~ data entry, website development
Program Development for 2009-10.
Additional ideas !
Intern Journals. Read quotes and journals by past and present interns.
Teen Build. Homeschooling teens join in natural building activities once a week for 4 1/2 hours!
Previous projects:
Kensington Metropark Kids Cottage. April & May 2007. Roof Thatching, Compressed Earth Block and Earthen Plastering.
Resources on site & regionally:
Demonstrations & educational materials:
Solar cooker, worm composting, foraging, extensive library on natural building, food production and other sustainability materials and videos. Thatched roof demonstration model, earthen floor demonstration model.
Interesting people:
Contacts will vary, but there is the possibility to meet a number of interesting folks while here. A number of folks visit the strawbale studio through workshops, and social events, and there is also a rich sustainability network in the area including fairs, meetings, and classes regionally. The Upland Hills Ecological Center, is 6 miles away, and some interns connect with the Detroit sustainability community, 1 hour away. There are a variety of get togethers including from Michigan State University and Oakland University who are interested in various aspects of sustainability.
Places to visit:
Upland Hills Ecological Awareness CenterAwareness Center . An earth-shelted, solar & wind powered center with a green roof and sustainability programing, sweat lodges, etc. 6 miles away
Upland Hills School .
Seven Ponds Nature Center . 10 miles away.
Bald Mountain Recreation Area . 7 miles away.
Oxford, MI An older small town center a6 miles away. A bicycle is available for your use.
Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1 1/2 - 2 hour
Detroit, Michigan. 1 hour
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