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Natural Building Resources

Great Lakes Region
Great Lakes NATURAL BUILDING Regional Network. Be part of this network, or suggest additions!
Natural Building Strategies and materials. A list of resources gathered by Deanne.
Strawbale Homes in Michigan: Registry.
Some Guidelines for Cold Climate Design . By Ianto Evans.
Midwest Renewable Energy, Strawbale Factsheet .
Natural Building Strategies . Thatching, Reed, Strawbale, Compressed Earth Blocks, and more.
Natural Building Colloquium East 2009 . Pictures from this event.
Natural Building Colloquium 2011 Ontario
Natural Building Websites
Natural Living School Inspirational & good information. California
The Art of Natural Building . Photos & text from this book. Includes Thatching article by Deanne.
Green Home Building.com. Massive info on sustainable architecture & natural building!
Natural Building Network. Resources, workshops, info on natural building & sustainable living.
YouTube Video on Strawbale Building. By a middle aged mom for $50,000. Very good.
A House of Straw . Website for above person, and book!
Natural Building Links from Builders Without Borders!.
Geiger Research Institute. Workshops, plans, codes. Amazing.
Surfin' Strawbale. Website on extensive Strawbale links.
Nabural Homes .org An international site with lots of info.
Strawbale Facts . Environmental and Energy Study Institute
Earth as an Art Form .
The $1000 cob house . Start to finish blog with pics and description !
Indigenous Building & Refuge Shelter & Tiny Dwellings.
Making a traditional Sod House . Wonderful animation of this underground building process.
Rebuilding in earthquake zones. Bamboo & earthbags. Cool Website.
Living Roof Roundhouse . Youtube timelapse video !
Suscol Reservation . Round house
Strawbale in Pakistan . Great little design, affordable. Link from Julia Jen.
Community Rebuilds . A project in Moad UT to replace housetrailers with Strawbale Homes built by interns.
Katrina Houses . Plans available. Lowe's sells the plans and materials.
Tree houses . Yeah!
Tiny Houses . Websites and links 2011 video
Tiny House Designs .
Lightfoot House. Designed for northern Michigan.
The EcoBox . An emergency shelter, sustainable design, off the grid. See Video.
Solar off-the-grid Nano-house idea . by Christina Snyder
Builders without Borders . Good information and pictures.
Emergency and Refugee Shelter.
Woodland Structures . Ceremonial structures and buildings of round logs.
Earth Sheltered Dome in Wales for $5000 .
Tribal & Travel Homes.
Building on Native Lands.
Next Aid Design for a sustainable village, Joe Kennedy.
Geiger Research Institute. Workshops, plans, codes. Amazing.
"Swallows of Xochiti". Article by Carolyn Koch about SB building in Obregon, Mexico.
Strawbale Home, load-bearing, Reminds me of our Day Care center designs.
Making a home for native bees with Natural Building . Wild bee protection in Germany. Check it out !!
Primitive and Low tech shelters .
Ideas about easy buildings of local natural materials .
Yurt Resources . Great
Earth Bag house designs. very basic.
Solar Decathlon home with edible walls and integrated systems.
Lake Superior Traditional Ways . Workshops in native skills.
Another Hobbit House . In Belize And info on sustainable building & farming
Retreat Homes . Diamond Mountain Buddhist Retreat AZ
Little Pallet Houses How to build, plus other cool DIY things.
Texas Hobbit House . Very enchanting. Gary Zuker.
Post and Beam Japanese prefab . fab !
Traditonal Japanese home construction . a wonderful pdf
Strawbale Vault . photo video
How-to Construction Information Online
Strawbale Construction Guide. Available online free for individual users.
How-to Strawbale Construction Booklet. Online free book.
Strawbale.com, a website with videos.
Dream Green Homes . Alternative Home Plans
Plans for 50 Strawbale houses .
Detailed plans for SB building in Haliburton, Canada . Low - tech foundation
Cob & Earth Oven videos online . Earth Oven flyer.
Double Chamber Earth Oven http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvrUrnEIQoo
Fun video on making an adobe oven . Max & Eva in Argentina.
Barrel Oven http://www.firespeaking.com/products/barrel-oven/
Max and Eva are getting married in Sept. 2010 !
Barrel Oven - efficient, and nice roof structure.
Homes & Communities
Eugene Ecovillage - Maitraya . Robert Bolman video interview on Peak Moments. Excellant.
Community Rebuilds .energy-efficient housing, sustainability ed, and improve the housing conditions of the workforce through an affordable program
Low cost Woodland Home . An awesome hobbit house in Wales ! Low-impact video Roundwood Cob House video !!!
Low Impact Settlement . England.
Living Roof Roundhouse . Youtube timelapse video !
which tells about their process of getting permission to building a low impact settlement:
Cool Building Projects. A collection of building projects I have come across with photos.
Haliburton, Canada Sustainable Structure . A food bank building details. Green/natural building.
The Strawbale Apothecary . A beautiful building from Solar Fest 2007.
Eco Communities . Also see below.
Earth Buildings. Around the world. Includes an Ecovillage.
Vertical vegitation on buildings.
Sunflower Ecovillage. A self-reliant community, Bangor, MI, started by U Mich Prof. Maynard Kaufman.
Garden of Paradise . Evolving Ecovillage in Equador.
Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage . Missouri. Teaches sustainability skills.
Possibility Alliance . Missouri, also. Off the grid, community work, intern exchanges with them.
Arcosanti http://www.arcosanti.org/expCosanti/architecture/main.html#
Urban Community, Japan. (below)
Creating a wilderness environment in an urban center: Japan’s Namba Parks Has an 8 Level Roof Garden with Waterfalls

Buddhist Community in Mississippi. Description of daily life.
Architecture for the Poor . Book (download on line) by Hassan Fathy
Sasquatchi Valley Institute . sustainability, nature, programs
Natural Building Material & Techniques.
Natural Building Strategies and materials. A list of resources gathered by Deanne.
Thatched Roofs. A variety of articles including Copper Ridges.
Building with Round Wood .
Building with Sticks . Lean-to, etc. with pictures.
Cutting Dimensional Lumber with a chain saw and attachment .
Natural Building Materials . Natural wool insulation and more.
Solar yurt ecovillage & Yurt construction
Biomimicry. Nature provides models for human invention: termites build air-conditioned, food-providing homes.
Conversations, Inventions
Earth Plaster Articles .
Living Greenhouse. Terraform on Ecological Design video
Building with whole trees ! A slideshow of the work of Mr. Gunderson

terraform earth oven by Heart & Soul Natural Building, Ann Arbor
Articles by Michael Holmes on natural building, plasters & clay paints for Irish Association of Self-Builders.
Michael spent time at the Strawbale Studio in fall of 2010 and did beautiful maintainable on the thatched roof of the STrawbale Studio, renewing its surface and putting on a new ridge.
Ideas for Buildings on the Land .
Pura Tierra Evolving Ecovillage in Costa Rica http://www.facebook.com/PuraTierra
Building Codes & Design
Building Codes and Design
Green Building information .From State of MI. Green Jobs, conferences, Green Home Scoring Tool.
Building Codes for Green Home Building .
Building Codes Video
Geiger Research Institute. Workshops, plans, codes. Amazing.
Strawbale Questions & Answers .
Net Zero Energy Home Design . Arcticle on low-cost energy efficient home design.
Zero Energy Housing . Design criteria and links. Geiger Research Institute.
Strawbale comes to Washington DC. Project in botanical gardens by Builders without Borders.
Solar building with Edible Walls . Solar Decathlon.
Pattern Language . An innate design process for home, community, business, communication
Affordable Housing . Article about O.U.R Ecovillage and photo of Mike Holmes thatching.
Natural Building Books
Order Natural Building Books . Illustrated by Deanne Bednar, or with articles by me.
Order the Hand-Sculpted House Book. Illustrated by Deanne.
The Natural Plaster Book . Illustrated by Deanne.Many sample pages at this link.
Design of Strawbale Buildings . Editor, Bruce King, contributions by Kelly Lerner, John Straube & Bob Theis+
The Rocket Stove Book . How to build your own mass heater.
The NEW Cob Oven Book.
The Little House on a Small Planet. An inspiring book by friends on quality living in small spaces.
The Small Strawbale . Book online by the Steen's
The Cob Builders Handbook . Online, download, free.
Builders Without Borders . Online, download, free.
Hands-on Experiences, Natural Building Centers & Companies
See also Great Lakes Natural Building Resources, above.
The Strawbale Studio . Natural Building workshops & Internships, Oxford, Michigan, USA
Collection of Natural Building workshops. House Alive.
The Cob Cottage Company Youtube of Cobville Pt 1! Part 2 . Off the Grid video of Cobville
Cob Cottage YouTube Video .
Natural Buiding Internship at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage . 2009.
Outdoor Wilderness Skills Schools.
Green Art. Ecological/Artist blogs, magazines and media.
Idealist.org . A website to connect you with all sorts of volunteer opportunities.
Ecosa Institute .
Yestermorrow School of Design & Building .
Sustainable Building Calendar . A national and international listing of events!
Camels Back . Strawbale Construction in Canada, Chris Magwood. Good descriptions of strawbale construction.
Ontario Natural Building Center.
Center for Appropriate Technology. Europe's leading Building Center.
Sustainable Living Center. North of Toronto, Ontario
Everdale Farm and Sustainability Center . Ontario
Earth Oven . Sam Runner builds Earth Ovens.
Youth and Natural Building .
Strawbale Hotel in Nicaragua . Pangea Partnership
Community Rebuilds . Intern: build strawbale homes replacing house trailers, Moab, UT
The Green Garage . A zero energy sustainability center ~ retrofit on a Detroit warehouse by WSU.
House Alive .Conraad teaches workshops on reservations and more.
Mud Girls . A women's building collective in Canada, who seem to be having too much fun !
Klei works Iternational natural building . short video by Janell
North House Folk School .
House Alive . Natural Building education. Great photos: "what you can do with cob".
ecoart natural building and arts in Greece
www.ederbickems.com A youth hostel & artists cottages, Yosemite Park. Help build !
Cob project in Ireland. Sam Wagner from Michigan apprenticed there 7 months in 2011.
Germany .
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