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Strawbale Studio

Page history last edited by Deanne Bednar 15 years, 6 months ago

The Strawbale Studio has several websites, which are currently being brought together in the first link below. Check all three, at this point, to get the full picture!


Strawbale Studio SCHEDULE & CALENDAR.

Strawbale Studio PHOTOS.

Strawbale Studio INDEPTH INFO.


The Strawbale Studio is an enchanting 600 square foot thatched roof studio in rural Oakland County, southeast Michigan. The studio features strawbale (stucco covered) walls, a round log frame, earthen floor, fieldstone foundation, a loft, and sculptural artwork. We hope you enjoy reading about the history of the project and learning about upcoming events and opportunities. As you begin to immerse yourself in the art of natural building, we hope you can come plerk (work + play = plerk) with us on this evolving adventure! www.freewebs.com/strawbalestudio


In 2004 & 2005 the State of Michigan Energy Office helped to fund the educational work of this project (publicity, exhibits, presentations, workshops, tours and hands-on training). This "Community Energy Grant" (Green Building Catagory) also partially funded the Kensington Kid's Cottage in 2006. Visit the Strawbale Studio Case Study by the State of Michigan Energy Office



2006 activities include reed collecting, Kid's Cottage Start-to-Finish Building, Rocket Stove Heated Bench, earthen plastering, natural paints and model making. 2007 projects include the construction of a solar greenhouse Oxford Kid's Cottage and Volunteer/Internships.  2008 projects include the Spiral Chamber, Oxford Kid's Cottage, Greenhouse and Strawbale Studio radiant floor retrofit. 


See the 2009 Calendar for details and more upcoming events! www.strawbale.pbwiki.com




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