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The Basics of Thatching
Thatching is a traditional skill used in most parts of the world to create a durable, beautiful, and all-natural roof system using plant material.
Learn basic thatching skills to make a small roof out of Phragmite (water reed grass). This type of roof is made from local, hand-harvested materials (an invasive weed, actually). It is all natural, long-lasting ( 50 - 75 years is the expected time in Europe but I would be happy with 20 !) ... beautiful, and eventually...biodegradable.
In this workshop you will learn the the design principles of a thatched roof, information on how to locally collect, store and the reed (Phragmites) and see a thatching demonstration on a small frame.
Saturday (Date to be determined)
9:30 am Registration + tea, coffee & bagels.
10 am Tour several small thatched buildings on the land.
11 am See a small thatching demonstration.
12 pm Collect reed in a local field with a picnic lunch.
3 pm Transport reed and put into storage "tipi's".
5 pm Watch two thatching videos while having a light supper.
Optional evening program & access to natural building resources and reed collection on Sunday.
Location: on rural land outside Oxford Michigan, 30 minutes north of Rochester.
Fee: $75 or sliding scale as necessary.
Instructor: Deanne Bednar (see bio on home page)
Information on Thatching
Thatching Articles
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