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Earth Hour

Page history last edited by Deanne Bednar 14 years, 6 months ago


If the lights were turned off in every home in America for one hour, it would prevent more than 16,500 tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere. By simply turning off the lights, we are bringing together people of all nations and walks of life to celebrate the one thing we have in common: protecting the Earth. For more information, please visit www.myearthhour.org or view Governor Granholm’s proclamation at: http://www.michigan.gov/gov/0,1607,7-168-25488-232222--,00.html.


I am forwarding to all of you an e-mail from Michigan’s Director of the Dept. of Energy, Labor & Economic Growth.  Please join me, Michigan and many other states, cities and local communities, in observing “Earth Hour 2010” this coming Saturday night from 8:30pm to 9:30 pm local time (after dark).  Check out the website:



I encourage you to join me and Governor Jennifer Granholm in being part of Earth Hour 2010 by turning off your lights on Saturday March 27th from 8.30-9:30 pm. to bring awareness to climate change issues.


The State of Michigan is one of many partners that will be turning lights off as a symbolic gesture of support for the fight against climate change and protecting our future and that of future generations. Earth Hour was organized by World Wildlife Fund “as a global call to action to stand up, to take responsibility, to get involved and lead the way towards a sustainable future.” Last year, nearly one billion people participated in Earth Hour 2009 – involving 4,100 cities in 87 countries on seven continents with lights out on iconic landmarks including the Empire State Building, Broadway Theater Marquees, Las Vegas Strip, United Nations Headquarters, Golden Gate Bridge, Great Pyramids of Giza, Acropolis and Parthenon in Athens, St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, Big Ben and Houses of Parliament in London, Eiffel Tower in Paris, and Sydney’s Opera House. We can help by making 2010 the biggest Earth Hour yet!

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