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4/29/10 Sky Fisher... Natural Playgrounds!
I went to a workshop on headstart program for kids .... and they are creating natural playgrounds, with trees and gardens and bamboo windchimes...and bringing nature indoors, too! I'll send you the link for it!
DB: "No child left inside" program. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Child_Left_Inside_%28movement%29
Lots & lots of amazing stores not recorded, but here are a few;
Jen Ritter: email
Hi Deanne!
I think about you and the strawbale studio often. I wish it was closer so i could visit when ever i was missing the time that i spent there with you all. I am on the east coast. Spending a lot of time in Rhode Island renovating the victorian house that my dad and i bought. And i will be coaching a middle school basketball team starting thursday in New hampshire. Life is good though. We've had a gorgeous fall. I've gotten some great surfing in. I finished my earth oven and have been designing a roof structure that hopefully will include a cob bench and fire pit.
Thats great that your getting some young ones out to the studio. I think that fairy house are really great. You can use cob and collect lots of great building materials from the woods. Forts are really great too! With the older kids you may be able to get them to focus enough for a natural group art project... something like what andy goldsworthy does. i'll try to think of some more. Songs and games are great for little kids. Sounds like fun. I wish i could be there:(
How are you doing? How's the children's cottage? When are you going to come visit the east coast? :) I hope all is well.
Miss you lots, Jen
Deanne responds regarding activities at the STrawbale Studio:
Interesting people through here. Right now a thatcher from Ireland and a guy with a lot of design and contracting experience. Last week a buddhist monk and some young folks who biked across the country from CA...and are on fire about Detroit...as are many folks. The thatcher is helping on a small strawbale building there this week.
A woman is coming over to talk Phragite who is getting a Masters from the Department of Natural Resources, and is passionate about connecting things together regarding Cottage Industry and local economy.
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